Our Programs
What Our Fitness Classes Look Like Each of our classes starts with a comprehensive warm-up and movement prep for the strength work and conditioning piece that day. After the coach lead warm-up, athletes move to the strength or skill work portion of the day, which works to develop your strength either with the barbell bodyweight strength, or skill work. Following the strength section, you’ll move to the workout of the day, a combination of functional fitness movements and high-intensity interval training. After the workout, you’ll finish out the class with accessory work and mobility to further strengthen your movement patterns.
What Our Endurance Classes Look Like Each endurance class starts with a warm-up paired with movement prep to help prime your body for the workout of the day. After the group warm-up, the coach leads the class through a longer, cardio-based workout. Programmed by our world-class programming committee, these workouts are specifically designed to complement our fitness program and build your aerobic capacity. We use bikes, rowers, kettlebells, running, and more to put together fun and exciting workouts that take up the majority of the hour-long class.
What Our Strength Classes Look Like Our powerlifting program is designed to help you develop your foundational strength that will translate to all other elements of functional fitness. In this program, we focus on the bench press, deadlift, and back squat as well as a variety of accessory movements. Our powerlifting class is 60 minutes long and each section is timed to make sure you keep moving through the entire 60 minutes. It’s strength meets sweat at its finest.